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Monday, 27 April 2020 by admin
This infographic illustrates REST and SOAP API usage in 2020. In total 69% of the API’s consist of REST API’s. 23% are SOAP API’s. Moreover, the Twitter API is used the most often. About 15 billion API calls are made to the twitter API per day. Finally, this infographic show the growth of the amount
- Published in API, Company information
What is API: Application programming interface
Thursday, 23 April 2020 by admin
What is an API API stands for Application programming interface. To explain this concept I like to use a metaphor. Imagine going to your local bakery. At the counter you ask for the things that you want to buy. The guy at the counter will pack these items for you. You only get the specific
- Published in API, Company information, Device detection, geolocation, JavaScript
What is an IP address: concept & technology
Wednesday, 22 April 2020 by admin
IP-address is short for “Internet protocol address“. This “address” is your unique number to access the internet. Every device connected to the internet has an IP-address. This makes enables you to deliver a message to the right person. Just like sending a letter to your home address. However, your computer connects to the internet indirectly.
- Published in geolocation, IP-address
What is geolocation: History and use-cases
Tuesday, 21 April 2020 by admin
A brief history For already thousand of years people want to locate themselves. The Ancient Greeks used the positioning of the stars to discover their location. In 1935 Sir Robert watt developed the Radar system. During the second world war radar was used during to locate the opponent. In 1973, the USA launched the very first
- Published in geolocation, JavaScript
New: Geolocation detection API
Monday, 20 April 2020 by admin
Today we launched a new API for our platform: The IP-location API. With this Geolocation API the exact location of a user can be discovered. The API can be implemented to your website with one line of JavaScript code. When someone enters your website the user’s location, time, currency and IP information becomes available to
- Published in geolocation, JavaScript